We also offer freelance services mainly targeted at web projects. We have a strong foundation in the web technologies of HTML, CSS, React, Vue, Next and Nuxt. We will support your internal development team throughout the development process and try to blend in as a normal team member as much as possible.
Nuxt (Vue)
Nuxt.JS, also called Nuxt 3, is an open source framework used for creating Vue.js applications. The main advantage of using Nuxt.js over vanilla Vue.js is the improved SEO support achieved through server side rendering. This improvement leads to an increase in visibility in the search engine results pages. It is also the framework where our team has the most experience in and feels the most comfortable working with.
Next (React)
Next.js is just like Nuxt.js a framework indented to build web applications and with improved SEO support achieved through server side rendering. However, the framework uses React.js instead of Vue.js in order to create an interactive user interface.