Fully-fledged website

Fully fledged website development is a service that involves creating a standalone website from scratch in an agile manner. The service includes everything from the initial planning and design phase to the coding, deployment and maintenance of the finished product. The development process can be a bit complex, but it allows for a high degree of control and customization, making it ideal for businesses that want a unique and highly functional website.

Basic SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or in short CEO, is the practice of improving and optimizing the websites content in order to increase the visibility in search search engine results pages. There are numerous amounts of tactics one can use to optimize their content, for example including metadata into their websites content, ensuring that the website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, Creating high-quality content with optimized keywords and many others. The ultimate goal of SEO is to increase the organic traffic from search engines, opposed to paid ad search traffic, and thus increase the amount of visitors to the website.


An Application Programming Interface, or in short API, is a set of rules, protocols and standards that enables seamless communication between different software applications. It defines how data should be exchanged and how the applications should interact with each other. The process of connecting two or more software applications is called API Integration.

Multi Language

In the more and more increasingly digitalization and virtualization of our society, it is important to support your website in multiple languages. This will enable the website to not only attract visitors locally, but even on an international level. The increase of international visitors to your website will help build your websites trustworthiness and will have a positive effect on your visibility in the search engine results pages.

CMS Integration

Content Management System, or in short CMS, allows the client to dynamically change some of the websites content, without any interference of us required. This is usually achieved by using an external software such as Strapi, Storyblok and Wordpress. The client can add, remove or edit components of the website. Having a CMS is very convenient for the client, however, it leads to a longer development time and thus increasing costs.


We offer e-commerce services by either performing API integration of an already existing e-commerce such as Shopee, or by implementing a payment system such as stripe. The integration of an API of an external e-commerce service allows for a shortened development time and is thus a cheaper alternative to the latter. However, on a per purchase basis, it is more expensive and offers less customization than the latter.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that enables companies to track and analyze user traffic on their websites. Companies can make data-driven decisions to optimize the websites content to further increase the amount of visistors to their website.

SEA (Search Engine Advertisement)

SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising, also known as paid search or search engine marketing (SEM). It is a type of online advertising that involves placing ads on search engine results pages (SERPs) in order to promote a website or product and attract targeted traffic. In search engine advertising, businesses create ads that are triggered by specific search queries entered by users on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. These ads are typically displayed at the top or bottom of the search engine results page and are marked as 'sponsored' or 'ad' to distinguish them from the organic search results.

SEO Optimazation (JSON-ld & schema)

JSON-ld and schema.org are both standards regarding a websites content metadata and are used to increase the websites contents quality. It is thanks to these metadata that search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo have an easier time understand the websites content and will thus result in higher visibility in the search engine results pages.


Our website development firm specializes in creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites for businesses of all sizes. With a team of experienced designers and developers, we have the skills and expertise to bring your vision to life. We take the time to understand your unique needs and goals, and work closely with you to create a website that not only looks great, but also drives results.